Our world is changing faster than ever before. We listen to words like innovation and new technologies every day. It’s exciting and scary at the same time, in many ways it makes our lives easier, but also threatening. How do we deal with this change? How should the new world gradually replace the old one without having a “big bang” here?
Finding the answer to this question is the reason why Tech Events was created. The conferences we organize bring together all parties involved in order to prevent conflicts, share a passion for innovative solutions and create a dialogue for their effective application.
Tech Events is an independent conference platform that organizes events in the following areas:
Legalsummit – Reform of justice in Slovakia, Open justice, How innovation supports the rule of law, Intellectual property rights and their protection, Entrepreneurship and electronicisation of legal relations
Investsummit – Traditional investing, alternative investing, pitching and expert discussion
Beyond the Horizon of Events – Economic discussion of experts from Czechoslovakia
Finweek – the future of finance, financial literacy, financial technologies, blockchain, cryptomens
Futureweek – technology, smart cities, 4.0 industrial revolution, cyber security, artificial intelligence
Urbansummit – development of cities and communities
All involved parties meet at our Tech Events events: Innovators – leaders, visionaries, project founders Companies – those who introduce innovations in our daily lives. State and legislators – those who set market rules Self-government – representatives of towns and villages Enthusiasts – pioneers and disseminators of ideas, without which no innovation would reach people